Our first ESG-NFT is avaliable to Buy at Mintable! Premier of the first MetaReverse Project: create a perpetual microforest!

 The MetaReverse is the return from digital world to realty. When you buy our ESG-NFT, we can transform this values into a real ESG protection of environment foverer! Join us in this green digital revolution.

When you buy this item, what do you receive?

a) a low carbon impact NFT, with less than 999 Kb, in the Zilliqa blockchain (member or Crypto Climate Accord);

b) a NFT with the ESG subject, with your stamp;

d) carbon credits for de these 100 m² perpetual urban microforest, certificate each year by Bioholos.

 e) Intangible return for this act, to stop climate change and help to preserve natural spaces forever!